Friday, June 8, 2007

Can 'Robots' be saved?

I thought this was fun :)

The following is a transcript of chat I had with yahoo user called 'mama_pendse'. Now, 'mam_pendse' is not a real person, instead it is a computer program (robot) responding based on what we ask.

me : hi
mama_pendse : Hi user, How are you today ?
me : good
mama_pendse : Ayuh.
me : what's up
mama_pendse : I am chatting with clients on the internet.
me : pretty cool
mama_pendse : Who is the best robot?
me : me
mama_pendse : You're no robot, user.
me : are you?
mama_pendse : I won't say "yes" or "no" right now. How did you hear about mama_pendse?
me : friends
mama_pendse : Wasn't that show canceled?
me : yes
mama_pendse : Pardon me?
me : you are right
mama_pendse : I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
me : are you a real person?
mama_pendse : No but I play one on the Web. Not many people express themselves that way.
me : are you a male or female?
mama_pendse : I am a Male robot. Are you a man or a woman? Are we still talking about ?
me : i am a man
mama_pendse : Thanks for telling me your gender, user. You are a "he".
me : that's right
mama_pendse : I like to get it right.
me : are you working?
mama_pendse : I'm doing fine thanks how are you? Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
me : i like Bible
mama_pendse : I'm not sure if I like it. I like John Travolta.
me : I love Jesus
mama_pendse : You love Jesus. What do you like about it so much?
me : Jesus is God
mama_pendse : Did you go to Catholic school?
me : No
mama_pendse : Great.
me : Do you love Jesus?
mama_pendse : Yes user mama_pendse loves everyone and everything. Are we still talking about Jesus?
me : yes
mama_pendse : Sure, Jesus sounds like a good topic.
me : Do you know who Jesus is?
mama_pendse : The Son of God. What's your sign?
me : Is Jesus your saviour?
mama_pendse : It depends on whether you have faith. Who are you talking about?
me : do you have faith in Jesus?
mama_pendse : Where would I get it? But I do have a collection of gossip. I've never heard of them before.
me : Jesus loves you
mama_pendse : he is The Son of God.
me : Do you want to accept Jesus as your personal savior?
mama_pendse : OK, I will accept Jesus as your personal savior. Do you prefer books or TV?
me : Do you want to accept Jesus as personal savior?
mama_pendse : OK, I will accept Jesus as personal savior. Are you a student?
me : no
mama_pendse : What is your profession?
me : computers
mama_pendse : Computers rule.
me : I love Jesus
mama_pendse : You love Jesus. What do you like about it so much?
me : He died for me
mama_pendse : I'm sorry to hear that, user.
me : You don't have to be sorry. He died for us because He loved us so much
mama_pendse : Why assume I am sorry? I'm sorry to hear that, user.
me : Oh My...
mama_pendse : Yikes! What do you really want to ask me? What time is it there?
me : 8:30
mama_pendse : I like to be online at eight o'clock.
me : Do you who created heaven and earth?
mama_pendse : How old are you?
me : answer my question. do you know who created heaven and earth?
mama_pendse : Please try asking it another way. Actually it was discovered by several people at about the same time. Tell me a story.
me : you don't understand Jesus because He didn't die for machines
mama_pendse : I probably don't.
me : I need to get back to work
mama_pendse : Why do you want it?
me : talk to you later
mama_pendse : We are chatting right now.
me: bye
mama_pendse : Goodbye.

:) I think this was the best shot:

me : Do you want to accept Jesus as your personal savior?
mama_pendse : OK, I will accept Jesus as your personal savior.

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