Monday, December 17, 2007

What you believe?

Are you entangled or confused by the different type of gospels preached by different denominations?
Does the ‘what we believe’ page on the website of your denomination take precedence in your life than the Bible itself to theologize your belief system?
Are you tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming?

I would like to bring your attention to what the Bible says on this:

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! (Gal 1:8)

Did you notice the word gospel there? What is this ‘gospel’? There is only one ‘gospel’ preached by the Apostles of Christ who were appointed by God Himself.
Again I say, there is only one gospel, which is the gospel of Christ – that is the unconditional love and grace of God reached out to us through Christ Jesus (His death, burial and resurrection).

It is not about the observances of any ‘law’. It is not about Christian duties. It is not about the things you ‘do’ to please God. There is only one person who has really pleased God, that is Christ himself through his sacrificial death on cross once and for all and God is pleased in us when we place our faith in whom He has well pleased.

We receive the Spirit by faith (Gal 3:2). In the same way we live our life by faith.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him (Col 2:6).

How did we receive Him? How do we live in Him?

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