Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our hope!

I see myself making this statement repeatedly these days while discussing politics, economy, religion, culture, climate or anything happening around the world in general: "This world is not getting better". I think anyone who is paying a minimum attention to the news media would have to agree that there is no such news as good news today.

We are not to be surprised by all these because the world system is not built on any constant. Anything relative would be drastically changing over the time based on people's views, opinions and beliefs.

Any experiments in Mathematics and Science would start from a constant. Without a constant, an experiment is not an experiment or it can never produce any verifiable results. The world is going contrary to this basic idea that it would try any experiment without the surety of a constant and guess what the result would be - a complete disaster. This is true for both the world system in general and for the individual lives as well.

The issue is, any house built on sand wouldn't survive a storm.

I am glad I have a constant - Jesus! My life is being built on that constant. This is not to say that there aren't any inconsistencies in my day to day life, but apart from my confusion, doubt or skepticism, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. And that is my absolute hope of success in this experiment of life.

I am glad my faith is not based on me (my ability, integrity or strength), myth, story, feel good philosophy or any man-made 'ism's but based on a real, historic, proven-by-facts PERSON, who has defeated death and proved His unchanging, unfailing and unending love towards us. And I know my hope is not a mere 'positive thinking' or 'wishing for the best', but my hope is anchored in Truth and since truth never changes, my hope never changes. My perspective about my hope may change, but the hope itself never changes, because it's a done deal.

" The rain came down [economy failed? politicians failed? climate failed? employer failed?], the streams rose [lost job? lost home? met with an accident? fell into debt?], and the winds blew and beat against that house[dropped out of school? fell sick? lost loved ones? spouse left?]; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock [Jesus]." (Matthew 7:25)


Joel Brueseke said...

"My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness."

Amen, "change" is the only constant in this world system, but the one thing that supersedes all of it is the one true foundation, Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post!

"I am glad my faith is not based on me (my ability, integrity or strength), myth, story, feel good philosophy or any man-made 'ism's but based on a real, historic, proven-by-facts PERSON, who has defeated death and proved His unchanging, unfailing and unending love towards us. And I know my hope is not a mere 'positive thinking' or 'wishing for the best', but my hope is anchored in Truth and since truth never changes, my hope never changes. My perspective about my hope may change, but the hope itself never changes, because it's a done deal."

Amen, amen!

Our hope is that we belong to the One who is Head over a Kingdom not of this world. Father Son Holy Spirit is our Hope!

~Amy :)

Jamie said...

Ohhh, Bino And Joel....

We don't usually sing many hymns at our fellowship but Ryan chose "On Christ the Solid Rock" last Sunday!! Great words in that old hymn!!

It is a revelation to see that Christ and who I am in Him isn't variable based on my performance, belief, etc. He doesn't come "on-line" with my agenda or thoughts; my thoughts and belief line up with His reality as my mind is renewed through the hearing of the Word!! As if God is changable! As if scripture is passe'. AS IF!! ;)

Bino, you always encourage and bless; thank you, my friend. :)

Bino M. said...

Joel - Finally the 'change' has come today? LOL! Ya, I am glad my life isn't driven by variables.

Amy - Thank you! You always encourage.

Jamie - Yes, On Christ the solid rock! I was thinking about the freedom we have in Christ to experiment with variables. Because no matter how we mess up, or make mistakes, as long as our foundation is on Christ Jesus it's going to be okay. The reality of who we are in Christ regardless of our 'anything' is unchangeable and it''s a great truth to hold on to.

Leonard said...

Simple observations, brilliant conclusions, Thanks Bino.

Ike said...

We are individual units fighting in a great army. The ultimate cause is sure and the end is certain. We do not need to be troubled by all the terrible events that go on around us and on the nightly news, nor by the struggle that rages within us. Our Lord and Commander has already won!

Bino M. said...

Thanks, Leonard!

Ike - Yes, He has already won! So, it's a done deal for us! Thanks for the encouraging words...

Aida said...

Bino, another post where I have to say Wow! I love your analogy of the need for a constant in math and science.

Only in the constant of Father's unchanging nature can we have security and peace. You said it so beautifully. Thanks for the reminder.

Bino M. said...

Thanks, Aida!

getting there said...

Bino, love this post! I have nothing to add to it as you have said everything here! Absolutely brilliant!

Bino M. said...

getting there - Thanks for the encouragement!